In order to avoid funding the evil meat industry there have been significant new lifestyle choices people have been creating as an alternative. Two of the most widespread are veganism and vegetarianism. Vegetarians won’t eat the meat of any living animal while vegans won’t eat any products derived from an animal source, including butter, milk, and eggs. These lifestyles aim to live off of diets that are healthier and more sustainable than the current meat driven diet that is so popular. Here is an image that communicates the different perceptions people have of these meatless diets and the meat substitutes they eat.
The different preconceived ideas people have of vegetarianism and meat substitutes are one of the biggest barriers meat alternative products are facing on the market. However, these perceptions are changing as the price of meat continues to rise and people are faced with the fears of growth hormones and animal antibiotics. Major money is being invested into these fledgling industries because of the potential for tremendous profit as these meat alternative come more and more into the spotlight of diet and environmental health. In the tabs above you can access three significant types of meat alternatives that are gaining major ground in the food industry.